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Do You Know The Importance Of Chimney Ventilation?

Proper chimney ventilation is essential for your well-being and your family’s. Your chimney controls the airflow within your home; and the lack of adequate ventilation could make the house feel less hospitable and cozy. 

Let us begin with how your chimney controls your house’s ventilation. When you light a fire within your firebox combustion, the gases then flow through a passageway called a flue that acts as an exhaust before exiting your home through the chimney. If the ventilation in your home is appropriate, you will breathe good quality air. However, carbon monoxide will find its way into your home if there is a block in the vent. Carbon monoxide is a lethal gas that is extremely dangerous and has disastrous effects on your body. If the airflow within your home is affected, condensation will begin to occur. Slowly, dampness and mold will start to form. The best way to stop condensation would be through mechanical ventilation or dehumidification.

We will need to first discuss how a chimney works to understand ventilation. As hot gases move away from a fire, a pressure difference is created between the flue and the room, and we call this the draught. The draught forces air into the fireplace that feeds the fire. If the ventilation is inappropriate, the draught generated within the flue will be inefficient. As such, the fire will not burn properly. While you will witness heavy flames, the fire will not produce heat. However, the flame will release large amounts of smoke into your household.

Sometimes, the chimney ventilation within your home may be adequate. However, a downdraught may occur. A downdraught is when smoke released from a fire does not escape from the vent but returns to the firebox and enters your home. 

It is possible that because the room is airtight, the low pressure may create a vacuum that attracts the smoke back down the flue and into your home. You can get rid of this problem by installing an air vent or chimney cowl that deflects the wind away from the smoke; making sure that the vacuum does not form. 

It is essential that even unused chimneys get ventilation because if ventilation stops, condensation will begin to occur, and as moisture begins to form, the chimney structure will deteriorate. And as such, an accident may occur, which could cause severe harm to your home, belongings, and family. If the chimney has not been in use for a while, it must be sealed at the top or bottom to maintain airflow within your home. If someone within your family suffers from allergies or asthma, we recommend that you take extreme care. Ventilation problems may aggravate their medical condition.

As we have discussed, chimney ventilation is vital for your home, and it allows you to enjoy the comfort of your home and breathe good quality air. If you have problems with your ventilation system; feel free to Brushers Chimneys, our experts will guide you and instruct you on the best possible solution. You can call us at (346) 258-3497.
