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Maintaining your chimney can make it durable and promotes structure stability. When the mortar joints start getting damaged, you’ll have to contact a chimney repair service. Harsh weather conditions and excess water play a major role in corroding your chimney. This is when tuckpointing comes to the rescue. But what is tuckpointing, and why does your chimney need it? Carry on reading to learn.

Do You Know What Tuckpointing Is?

Did you know your chimney bricks can last around a century? The mortar, however, has a much shorter life span. Exposure to water and other factors might affect the longevity of the mortar, though it usually lasts around 25 years. Homeowners can install a diversion roof, known as a cricket, to stop the rainwater from flooding the chimney. In addition, roof layout and chimney position can also affect water drainage and mortar damage.

Tuckpointing is the most effective technique to repair damaged mortar areas. Otherwise, the mortar will completely deteriorate, and you’ll require a chimney rebuild, which is far more costly than repair.

What is Involved in Tuckpointing?

Tuckpointing is beneficial as it helps preserve the life of your chimney. The procedure is simple; it basically involves removing damaged mortar to replace it with a fresh one. These are the steps involved in tuckpointing a red brick chimney:

  1. Routing out the damaged mortar at a uniform depth.
  2. Filling in the space with a new red mortar.
  3. Forming grooves in the center of red mortar by cutting thin strips.
  4. Fill in these grooves with a mortar that matches the color of the original mortar present outside the structure.

Why Does Your Chimney Need Tuckpointing?

Tuckpointing can strengthen your chimney and prevent it from excess water. Moreover, it can benefit your chimney in the following ways:

  • Stops corrosion of mortar joints
  • Restores the chimney’s structural stability
  • Stops water from entering the chimney system
  • Saves more money, unlike a rebuild.
  • Restores chimney masonry materials to their original condition
  • Enhances home value

Signs Your Chimney Requires Tuckpointing

Some signs could occur, indicating that your chimney needs tuckpointing. You can call in a professional for chimney inspection if you notice these signs:

  • Damaging Drywall

A chimney leak could damage the walls that surround your chimney. This leak could be due to cracked or broken mortar joints.


  • Firebox or Damper is Rusty

A chimney leak in the masonry could leave a mark in the form of rust stains in the firebox. Other than this, the damper could be rusted.


  • Discoloration of Mortar

Weathering and deterioration can alter the color of your chimney’s mortar. Hence, consult a professional chimney company to inspect the discolored mortar.


  • Mortar is Flaking

Is your mortar flaking? If you see flakes of mortar around your chimney, it is an obvious sign that tuckpointing is necessary. What happens is old mortar weakens and starts falling apart, signifying the need for chimney tuckpointing.


  • Mortar is Cracked

Whether there are thin, wide, or any other type of cracks in the mortar could indicate that it needs to be inspected by an expert. No matter the size, a crack can allow water into the masonry and lead to quite a lot of damage.


  • Brickwork is Spalling

The brickwork can crack due to the freeze-thaw cycle. You’ll have to contact a professional chimney service for tuckpointing right away when you notice spalling. Otherwise, the chimney might weaken or collapse entirely.

Looking for Chimney Experts?

Now that you’ve learned what tuckpointing is and when your chimney needs it, you can contact Brushers Chimneys. We’ll ensure your chimney is strengthened and doesn’t cause any more issues. Just dial (346) 258-3477 to give us a ring.
